Bright Bouquet
Bright Bouquet
Gorgeous seasonal bouquet of bright pink, yellow, orange and purple. Hand-arranged and presented in premium brown kraft paper with black and white ribbon finish.
The images shown are an indication of the Daisy Lane Flowers signature style. We will create an arrangement featuring the best of the season. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability and may vary in colour, shape and size.
Classic size pictured.
Stem count, container and packaging may vary.
Please check our DELIVERY LOCATIONS + ORDER CUTOFF TIMES before placing your order.
Delivery Information
Delivery Information
Deliveries will be made between 9am and 7pm - unfortunately no specific time can be given or guaranteed, however if you have a time request please write it in the delivery instructions and we'll do our best to accommodate. Example: within school hours or business hours.
Balaklava - $7.50 per delivery
Order before 11:59am for Same-Day Delivery
Deliveries available Tuesday to Friday
Lower Mid North - $16.50 per Delivery
Order before 8am for Same-Day Delivery
Deliveries available Tuesday to Friday
Copper Coast - $16.50 per delivery
Order before 11:59am for Same-Day Delivery
Deliveries available Tuesday to Friday
Yorke Peninsula - $16.50 per delivery
Order before 11:59am for Next-Day Delivery
Deliveries available Tuesday to Friday
Port Broughton / Port Pirie - $16.50 per delivery
Order before 11:59am for Next-Day Delivery
Deliveries available Tuesday to Friday
If an order has been placed, missing the cutoff time, we will do our best to notify you as soon as possible, if we cannot reach you, we will send your arrangement at the next possible date.